
8 août 2011




Pour la réalisation  d’un exposé magistral il faut analyser les questions suivantes :

Ÿ   L’objectif : à quoi sert mon exposé ?


On distingue trois types d’objectifs : informer, expliquer, convaincre.

1-     Informer, c’est donner du savoir et seulement du savoir.   

2-     Expliquer, c’est transmettre à son auditoire des informations sur un procédé, une méthode, une technique, afin qu’à l’issue de la présentation il sache lui-même  reproduire ce procédé ; utiliser cette méthode, appliquer cette méthode.

3-      Convaincre, c’est transmettre à son auditoire une idée de telle façon qu’il y adhère ou qu’il ait ; envie d’agir pour que cette idée s’accomplisse. Convaincre c’est faire.


Ÿ   Le sujet : de quoi vais-je Parler ?


















Pour la réalisation  d’un exposé magistral il faut analyser les questions suivantes :

Ÿ   L’objectif : à quoi sert mon exposé ?


On distingue trois types d’objectifs : informer, expliquer, convaincre.

1-     Informer, c’est donner du savoir et seulement du savoir.   

2-     Expliquer, c’est transmettre à son auditoire des informations sur un procédé, une méthode, une technique, afin qu’à l’issue de la présentation il sache lui-même  reproduire ce procédé ; utiliser cette méthode, appliquer cette méthode.

3-      Convaincre, c’est transmettre à son auditoire une idée de telle façon qu’il y adhère ou qu’il ait ; envie d’agir pour que cette idée s’accomplisse. Convaincre c’est faire.


Ÿ   Le sujet : de quoi vais-je Parler ?


















Entre ce que je pense, 
ce que je veux dire, 
ce que je crois dire, 
ce que je dis, 
ce que vous voulez entendre, 
ce que vous entendez, 
ce que vous croyez en comprendre, 
ce que vous voulez comprendre, et 
ce que vous comprenez,

Il y a au moins neuf possibilités 
de ne pas se comprendre.

Mais, s'il vous plaît, essayons quand même.


Nous trouvons trois facteurs qui influent négativement sur la communication et qui peuvent entraver celle-ci :

  • Les bruits ou freins de différentes natures
  • Les ajouts à la communication
  • La déperdition naturelle d’information














Entre ce que je pense, 
ce que je veux dire, 
ce que je crois dire, 
ce que je dis, 
ce que vous voulez entendre, 
ce que vous entendez, 
ce que vous croyez en comprendre, 
ce que vous voulez comprendre, et 
ce que vous comprenez,

Il y a au moins neuf possibilités 
de ne pas se comprendre.

Mais, s'il vous plaît, essayons quand même.


Nous trouvons trois facteurs qui influent négativement sur la communication et qui peuvent entraver celle-ci :

  • Les bruits ou freins de différentes natures
  • Les ajouts à la communication
  • La déperdition naturelle d’information














Entre ce que je pense, 
ce que je veux dire, 
ce que je crois dire, 
ce que je dis, 
ce que vous voulez entendre, 
ce que vous entendez, 
ce que vous croyez en comprendre, 
ce que vous voulez comprendre, et 
ce que vous comprenez,

Il y a au moins neuf possibilités 
de ne pas se comprendre.

Mais, s'il vous plaît, essayons quand même.


Nous trouvons trois facteurs qui influent négativement sur la communication et qui peuvent entraver celle-ci :

  • Les bruits ou freins de différentes natures
  • Les ajouts à la communication
  • La déperdition naturelle d’information











Resume de cours du communication pour les stagières ofppt ista


Communication :

Est un processus par lequel on partage de l’information pour arriver à une compréhension mutuelle.

Communication interpersonnelle (CIP)

Elle implique l’échange entre deux ou plusieurs personnes qui sont physiquement présentes l’une face à l’autre et qui s’entendent et se voient. La compréhension des messages dépend des mots utilisés, des expressions du visage et des gestes corporels. 

Processus de communication 

L’émetteur: C’est la source d’émission du message

Le message: C’est le contenue de la communication.

Le bruit : C’est l’ensemble des perturbations qui entravent ou déforment le message. 

Le canal : C’est le moyen par lequel le message est transmis de l’émetteur au récepteur.

le récepteur: IL désigne le destinataire qui reçoit le message. 




Resume de cours du communication pour les stagières ofppt ista




Resume de cours du communication pour les stagières ofppt ista


Communication :

Est un processus par lequel on partage de l’information pour arriver à une compréhension mutuelle.

Communication interpersonnelle (CIP)

Elle implique l’échange entre deux ou plusieurs personnes qui sont physiquement présentes l’une face à l’autre et qui s’entendent et se voient. La compréhension des messages dépend des mots utilisés, des expressions du visage et des gestes corporels. 

Processus de communication 

L’émetteur: C’est la source d’émission du message

Le message: C’est le contenue de la communication.

Le bruit : C’est l’ensemble des perturbations qui entravent ou déforment le message. 

Le canal : C’est le moyen par lequel le message est transmis de l’émetteur au récepteur.

le récepteur: IL désigne le destinataire qui reçoit le message. 




Resume de cours du communication pour les stagières ofppt ista




Resume de cours du communication pour les stagières ofppt ista partie 2

 1) Concept de la communication

P1: types de la communication:

La communication :

 Est un processus par lequel on partage de l’information pour arriver à une compréhension mutuelle.

 Communication interpersonnelle (CIP): 

Elle implique l’échange entre deux ou plusieurs personnes qui sont physiquement présentes l’une face à l’autre et qui s’entendent et se voient. La compréhension des messages dépend des mots utilisés, des expressions du visage et des gestes 




Resume de cours du communication pour les stagières ofppt ista partie 2



Resume de cours du communication pour les stagières ofppt ista partie 2

 1) Concept de la communication

P1: types de la communication:

La communication :

 Est un processus par lequel on partage de l’information pour arriver à une compréhension mutuelle.

 Communication interpersonnelle (CIP): 

Elle implique l’échange entre deux ou plusieurs personnes qui sont physiquement présentes l’une face à l’autre et qui s’entendent et se voient. La compréhension des messages dépend des mots utilisés, des expressions du visage et des gestes 




Resume de cours du communication pour les stagières ofppt ista partie 2



Resume de cours du communication pour les stagières ofppt ista partie 2

 1) Concept de la communication

P1: types de la communication:

La communication :

 Est un processus par lequel on partage de l’information pour arriver à une compréhension mutuelle.

 Communication interpersonnelle (CIP): 

Elle implique l’échange entre deux ou plusieurs personnes qui sont physiquement présentes l’une face à l’autre et qui s’entendent et se voient. La compréhension des messages dépend des mots utilisés, des expressions du visage et des gestes 




Resume de cours du communication pour les stagières ofppt ista partie 2



Writing bac Maroc anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 1

A wedding party 
وصف حفل عرس 

Last year I was invited to my cousin’s wedding, so I wore my best clothes : a new kaftan and a scarf. I put some make-up, too. When we arrived at my cousin’s, we were pleased to see the house decorated with lamps and flowers. The groom’s family received us warmly, with dates and milk. Then, we chose a good place and sat down waiting for the party to begin. 
After twenty minutes, the bride and the groom came accompanied with naghaffa, a woman who organises the procession and chooses the clothes for the bride to wear each time she appears to the guests. The groom was wearing a djellaba and the bride was wearing a beautiful kaftan. They both looked charming as they greeted the guests who were wishing them well. 


Writing bac Maroc anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 1


Writing bac Maroc anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 1

A wedding party 
وصف حفل عرس 

Last year I was invited to my cousin’s wedding, so I wore my best clothes : a new kaftan and a scarf. I put some make-up, too. When we arrived at my cousin’s, we were pleased to see the house decorated with lamps and flowers. The groom’s family received us warmly, with dates and milk. Then, we chose a good place and sat down waiting for the party to begin. 
After twenty minutes, the bride and the groom came accompanied with naghaffa, a woman who organises the procession and chooses the clothes for the bride to wear each time she appears to the guests. The groom was wearing a djellaba and the bride was wearing a beautiful kaftan. They both looked charming as they greeted the guests who were wishing them well. 


Writing bac Maroc anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 1


Writing bac Maroc anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 1

A wedding party 
وصف حفل عرس 

Last year I was invited to my cousin’s wedding, so I wore my best clothes : a new kaftan and a scarf. I put some make-up, too. When we arrived at my cousin’s, we were pleased to see the house decorated with lamps and flowers. The groom’s family received us warmly, with dates and milk. Then, we chose a good place and sat down waiting for the party to begin. 
After twenty minutes, the bride and the groom came accompanied with naghaffa, a woman who organises the procession and chooses the clothes for the bride to wear each time she appears to the guests. The groom was wearing a djellaba and the bride was wearing a beautiful kaftan. They both looked charming as they greeted the guests who were wishing them well. 


Writing bac Maroc anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 1


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 2

رسالة تعزية شخص فقد والده 
Dear Ahmed, 
Please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of your dear father. I am so sorry about your loss. 
Although I never met your father, I know how much he meant to you. Through your stories of his frugality, his love of nature, and his loving support of you, I feel as though I knew him. I know he was a fine man and that his absence will be felt by many people. 
When my father died, it gave me a good feeling to talk with people about him. I would enjoy hearing more about your father and his life if you would like to share memories when we get together. In the meantime, I will be thinking of you ....

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 2


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 2

رسالة تعزية شخص فقد والده 
Dear Ahmed, 
Please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of your dear father. I am so sorry about your loss. 
Although I never met your father, I know how much he meant to you. Through your stories of his frugality, his love of nature, and his loving support of you, I feel as though I knew him. I know he was a fine man and that his absence will be felt by many people. 
When my father died, it gave me a good feeling to talk with people about him. I would enjoy hearing more about your father and his life if you would like to share memories when we get together. In the meantime, I will be thinking of you ....

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 2


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 2

رسالة تعزية شخص فقد والده 
Dear Ahmed, 
Please accept my sincere condolences on the passing of your dear father. I am so sorry about your loss. 
Although I never met your father, I know how much he meant to you. Through your stories of his frugality, his love of nature, and his loving support of you, I feel as though I knew him. I know he was a fine man and that his absence will be felt by many people. 
When my father died, it gave me a good feeling to talk with people about him. I would enjoy hearing more about your father and his life if you would like to share memories when we get together. In the meantime, I will be thinking of you ....

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 2


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 3

طلب وظيفة في مؤسسة 
Mustapha B 
-hay eSalam .... Sale --11000 

Subject: Job application 
It is a pleasure to extend to you the distinguished 
Requests of this and of: «job applications in your organization». 
Inform you that I was born in Rabat 


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 3


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 3

طلب وظيفة في مؤسسة 
Mustapha B 
-hay eSalam .... Sale --11000 

Subject: Job application 
It is a pleasure to extend to you the distinguished 
Requests of this and of: «job applications in your organization». 
Inform you that I was born in Rabat 


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 3


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 3

طلب وظيفة في مؤسسة 
Mustapha B 
-hay eSalam .... Sale --11000 

Subject: Job application 
It is a pleasure to extend to you the distinguished 
Requests of this and of: «job applications in your organization». 
Inform you that I was born in Rabat 


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 3


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 5

Letter of complaint 
رسالة تشكي حول شيء اشتريته ووجدت به خلل 
24 Rotterdam, Hauges Avenue 
12 streets Harlem 
Mr Fred, manager of youth school 
Magazine, industry Road Amsterdam 
Dear sir or Madam, 
I am a keen reader of the local school magazine « spotlight » and 
I have been impressed by a number of articles I read there. Today I take the chance to write you an article about a worrying school phenomenon; namely, smoking. 

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 5


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 5

Letter of complaint 
رسالة تشكي حول شيء اشتريته ووجدت به خلل 
24 Rotterdam, Hauges Avenue 
12 streets Harlem 
Mr Fred, manager of youth school 
Magazine, industry Road Amsterdam 
Dear sir or Madam, 
I am a keen reader of the local school magazine « spotlight » and 
I have been impressed by a number of articles I read there. Today I take the chance to write you an article about a worrying school phenomenon; namely, smoking. 

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 5


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 5

Letter of complaint 
رسالة تشكي حول شيء اشتريته ووجدت به خلل 
24 Rotterdam, Hauges Avenue 
12 streets Harlem 
Mr Fred, manager of youth school 
Magazine, industry Road Amsterdam 
Dear sir or Madam, 
I am a keen reader of the local school magazine « spotlight » and 
I have been impressed by a number of articles I read there. Today I take the chance to write you an article about a worrying school phenomenon; namely, smoking. 

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 5


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 4

Advances in technology 
Technology is a broad concept that deals with a people’s usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects man’s ability to control and adapt to its environment. In human society, technology is a consequence of science and engineering. In the last two centuries, humanity has witnessed great technological developments that are not to be paralleled with any other past times in history. These technological advances range from the invention of the light bulb to the latest wireless computers and internet devices. But what are the implications of these technological advances on our societies. ..


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 4


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 4

Advances in technology 
Technology is a broad concept that deals with a people’s usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects man’s ability to control and adapt to its environment. In human society, technology is a consequence of science and engineering. In the last two centuries, humanity has witnessed great technological developments that are not to be paralleled with any other past times in history. These technological advances range from the invention of the light bulb to the latest wireless computers and internet devices. But what are the implications of these technological advances on our societies. ..


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 4


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 4

Advances in technology 
Technology is a broad concept that deals with a people’s usage and knowledge of tools and crafts, and how it affects man’s ability to control and adapt to its environment. In human society, technology is a consequence of science and engineering. In the last two centuries, humanity has witnessed great technological developments that are not to be paralleled with any other past times in history. These technological advances range from the invention of the light bulb to the latest wireless computers and internet devices. But what are the implications of these technological advances on our societies. ..


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 4


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 6

العالمي للبيئة 
Describe the involvement Foundation school observance of World Environment Day

In commemorating the International Day of the Earth and the Environment allocated secondary second half of the morning for the day Saturday, 17/04/2010 station mission to embrace a range of environmental activities contributed to the activation of pupils and students in the organization and were framed from their teachers and the various components of Directors, where he was .........

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 6


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 6

العالمي للبيئة 
Describe the involvement Foundation school observance of World Environment Day

In commemorating the International Day of the Earth and the Environment allocated secondary second half of the morning for the day Saturday, 17/04/2010 station mission to embrace a range of environmental activities contributed to the activation of pupils and students in the organization and were framed from their teachers and the various components of Directors, where he was .........

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 6


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 6

العالمي للبيئة 
Describe the involvement Foundation school observance of World Environment Day

In commemorating the International Day of the Earth and the Environment allocated secondary second half of the morning for the day Saturday, 17/04/2010 station mission to embrace a range of environmental activities contributed to the activation of pupils and students in the organization and were framed from their teachers and the various components of Directors, where he was .........

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 6


Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 7

The advantages and disadvantages of technology

In fact, technology has changed the way we live and communicate, but at the same time it is the reason behind many problems and phenomena in our daily life. 
Mankind is grateful for technology’s benefits in different domains. For example, with internet people can get information easily, sending résumés to companies and booking rooms in hotels. In regard to transport, people can travel wherever they love in a very short time. In addition, technology has helped doctors to find cures to some chronic diseases. 

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 7

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 7

The advantages and disadvantages of technology

In fact, technology has changed the way we live and communicate, but at the same time it is the reason behind many problems and phenomena in our daily life. 
Mankind is grateful for technology’s benefits in different domains. For example, with internet people can get information easily, sending résumés to companies and booking rooms in hotels. In regard to transport, people can travel wherever they love in a very short time. In addition, technology has helped doctors to find cures to some chronic diseases. 

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 7

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 8


When your parents were young, people could buy cigarettes and smoke pretty much anywhere - even in hospitals! Ads for cigarettes were all over the place. Today we're more aware about how bad smoking is for our health. Smoking is restricted or banned in almost all public places and cigarette companies are no longer allowed to advertise on buses or trains, billboards, TV, and in many magazines . 
Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 14 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker ...

voir  :

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 8




Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 8


When your parents were young, people could buy cigarettes and smoke pretty much anywhere - even in hospitals! Ads for cigarettes were all over the place. Today we're more aware about how bad smoking is for our health. Smoking is restricted or banned in almost all public places and cigarette companies are no longer allowed to advertise on buses or trains, billboards, TV, and in many magazines . 
Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 14 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker ...

voir  :

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 8




Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 8


When your parents were young, people could buy cigarettes and smoke pretty much anywhere - even in hospitals! Ads for cigarettes were all over the place. Today we're more aware about how bad smoking is for our health. Smoking is restricted or banned in almost all public places and cigarette companies are no longer allowed to advertise on buses or trains, billboards, TV, and in many magazines . 
Almost everyone knows that smoking causes cancer, emphysema, and heart disease; that it can shorten your life by 14 years or more; and that the habit can cost a smoker ...

voir  :

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 8




Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 9


. What i do in my free time ? Well, i like to exercise and sports , especially Karate. Just the same, i like to watch a football match or a good film sometimes . 
Music- now that`s somethingi like as much as sport. I very often listen to music on the radio.but what i lke best is reading books on biology,chemistry and physics. These are my favourite subjects at school.what about friends? Ilike to be with them on Saturday 
Racism or racialism is a form of race, especially the belief that one race is superior to another. Racism may be expressed ...

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Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 9





Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 9


. What i do in my free time ? Well, i like to exercise and sports , especially Karate. Just the same, i like to watch a football match or a good film sometimes . 
Music- now that`s somethingi like as much as sport. I very often listen to music on the radio.but what i lke best is reading books on biology,chemistry and physics. These are my favourite subjects at school.what about friends? Ilike to be with them on Saturday 
Racism or racialism is a form of race, especially the belief that one race is superior to another. Racism may be expressed ...

voir :

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 9





Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 9


. What i do in my free time ? Well, i like to exercise and sports , especially Karate. Just the same, i like to watch a football match or a good film sometimes . 
Music- now that`s somethingi like as much as sport. I very often listen to music on the radio.but what i lke best is reading books on biology,chemistry and physics. These are my favourite subjects at school.what about friends? Ilike to be with them on Saturday 
Racism or racialism is a form of race, especially the belief that one race is superior to another. Racism may be expressed ...

voir :

Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 9





Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 10


I think that the best things to relief from stress is to watch some sitcoms or hear something funny like jokes ...person should develop his sense of humor and he should be cool , Comic and optimistic, because some expert of mental. health have noted that we can't imagine going through a day without laughter.
Humor will make every part of your life better. 
It will help you trough difficult times and it will help you make the good times even letter, also i twill attract good people and good situations to you. So cheer up . 
drop out of school 
Increasing stress in school, at work, and at home has caused many students to drop out of school to ....

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Exemple Writing bac Marocain anglais lycée et cours anglais lycée (English) (ofppt, ista) parie 10